Everyone knows that the deft Restor Druid in PvP is a worthy opponent, whose cunning is always taken into account during crucial moments of the game.
Experienced gamers are well versed in basic technical and strategic tricks. Anyone playing on the side of the Restor Druid in A7 can create a lot of trouble for players with dark sorrow.
One of the most powerful Restor’s tactics is to advance without casts, as anyone can be interrupted, resulting in delays and quick losses. The whole point is to correctly use the magical charms of Wild Growth, Vital Color and Rejuvenation. The Restor can do great things in the class arena. Visit the https://buy-boost.com/wow to get all the help you need.
Main features of the Druid

The main advantage of the Restor is its endurance. Many novice gamers are collecting gear at SPD. This strategy is fundamentally wrong. If you do this, then you will not be able to cast, which will lead to failures. But having a decent level of resilience, you will regain your XP during the game.
In the arena, the Healing Druid’s toughness level must be 1150 or higher. In this case the player will feel more confident and quickly defeat the rival team.
So, important qualities of a Druid include:
- Endurance. Professional Druids are never on the forefront, because when they want to kick you out, you could not only save as long as possible but also apply several strategies at once. You will need approximately 29k endurance to play well.
- Spirit is quite an important quality. It can restore XP, as well as mana. Without the latter, the Restor wouldn’t have withstood any serious confrontation. When you have 800 mana points, you won’t feel the lack of this resource. Correct placement, correct construction of symbols, and quick application of rejuvenation give endless mana. We must say that such a tactic won’t not be as effective for the Druid of Balance.
- Speed is an important characteristic that reduces the GCD indicator. Your healing and its level depend on how soon you will be able to get hots for yourself and your game partner. Low speed can lead to a CD decrease, which will significantly reduce your control functions.
Prize-winning heal, or SPD, is a significant characteristic. You need to increase it to at least 2800 points. The druid must have more SPD than other classes, which is achieved through active abilities.
Control the Druid in the arena

The Restor has a variety of oversight options at its disposal. Control pieces tend not to get out if the player is in the tree and has to constantly get out of the form. This must be done if you and other team members already have the maximum number of hots.
The Vortex is the most powerful feature of the opponent. It is used only occasionally, when it is possible to replay DD with a regular throw. In this case, you will have to throw three vortexes. Then you get immunity and can use the vortex again. It has other advantages — if you throw an Innervate at an opponent and immediately send it into the midst of the vortex, it will not get mana back.
This ability is especially useful during the war with Rdru. This enemy sometimes acquires hots. In such cases, you need to immediately send him into a vortex, and then he won’t get a single heal.
You should coordinate your work with your partner, since one of the opponents may start bursting exactly at the moment when you send another heal into the vortex.
Roots are another tool for players. They won’t allow your opponent to hide from your DD, plus, they will save the damage from the threat. The Nature’s Grasp talent will give you the ability to throw roots in those who entered into close combat with you.
Hibernation is a useful feature that gets in the way of every pet. When Rdru turns into a bear, Hibernation will immobilize him quite well.
Druid’s arena strategies
You should maintain your companion’s XP at all times before starting bursting. At this point, you must direct the vortex to the heel of your opponent. Don’t be in a hurry. Let the DD wait for a truly effective attack to deliver the most crushing blow.
When your playmate starts bursting, you should snuggle to the opponent’s heel as close as possible so that you can use thunder.
After that, throw a whirlwind. If the opponent responds with a tornado, this will give you an opportunity to entangle him in the next whirlwind.
Macros for WoW Restor

While the healer is still entangled with the tornado, remember to heal your companion, so be sure to give him new hots.
If the burst was unsuccessful, you should be prepared for the biggest heal of your companion. If your opponent bothers you all the time but is not interested in your partner, turn into a cheetah as soon as possible and quickly spin around the coffin or columns. It all depends on where you are.
The patronage of nature is a resource that quickly restores healing. It will allow the player to return the previous XP as quickly as possible.
Fast Recovery is an ability, the activation of which leads to the destruction of all hots.
Rejuvenation is a resource suitable for 2×2 arena as well as 3×3 arena. This is a useful remedy of choice for those who want to increase their endurance. But you need to know when to stop, because if you have already been subjected to control, then even a burst will not help your companion.
Things to remember for a Restor

The main thing for this type of Druid is, if possible, to be outside the attacking zone. As a rule, this is a coffin or columns. Make the attacking aggressor run after you. You shouldn’t stop even for a moment. When the enemy doesn’t want to catch up with you, he will switch to your game companion. This is the best time to start controlling his heal.
Don’t hesitate, an experienced opponent will take the maximum from you, which will not allow you to rely on Rejuvenation. Then only Lifebloom will save you. It will return you not only your XP but also the long-awaited mana. Epiphany should be used only when you know that it cannot be stolen from you.
If you learn to apply all these tips in practice, your success will cause genuine admiration among other gamers.