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How to Improve your Employee Engagement in 8 Easy Steps

Employee engagement counts as quite a complex subject, especially having in mind constant changes in work surroundings and relations. Today more than ever companies rely on the energy and commitment of their staff in order to adapt to a permanently changing business environment and eventually remain successful on the market.

However, increasing employees’ level of productivity can be a tricky situation for many employers. It’s commonly linked with job satisfaction and the degree to which employees feel motivated to perform better. Every clever employer knows that making sure their staff comes to the office every day with passion and enthusiasm toward what they do must be on top of his priorities – and that’s why we bring a few simple steps to improve this aspect of your business.

Ask for feedback and prioritize it

The first secret on how to increase employee engagement in your office is to ask your staff for feedback. It’s not a rare case that employers are the ones who give feedback on their staff performance, expectations, and other aspects, but you should definitely try to implement asking them to give their opinions in your daily business routine. Every thought on the things that can be improved or problems that need a solution needs to get enough attention and be cherished.

By asking your colleagues to tell what’s on their mind, you’ll most probably make them feel that their opinion matters, which finally makes them feel they’re important for the company and that they’re a part of your business family. This will certainly affect their level of motivation and inspire them to put even more effort into the upcoming projects.

Volunteer as a team

Each employee wants to know that they are a part of a company that makes a positive social impact and contribution. Generally, volunteering unites people towards a greater purpose, helping them connect on a deeper level.

Indeed, no one feels terrible after doing even a minor good deed. By encouraging your staff to take part in different volunteering activities or projects, you’ll demonstrate that your company doesn’t care only about cash flow, but that it strives to make a difference in the first place. Additionally, you can suggest a ‘Volunteer Day’ during which your staff can take their day(s) off for a socially beneficial cause.

Prioritize wellness

It’s much easier for individuals to be more engaged with their duties when they know that their company clearly cares for their wellbeing – and employee wellness includes both physical and mental health. Numerous contemporary concepts and methods include implementing certain fun & fit activities in your workers’ daily routine.

You can consider gifting your staff members with a fitness subscription or free yoga classes. As for mental health, you should take care that the company you’re leading is based on a supportive working environment as its basic value. Offer your employees a flexible schedule so they feel they have a work-life balance. Doing this will make sure your colleagues are completely focused, relaxed and more productive.

Promote taking breaks

Closely related to what’s described in the paragraph above, a good employer will encourage their staff to take regular 5-10 minutes breaks only to stretch a bit or have a bite of chocolate. This is especially helpful when the team is focused on documents or a stressful proposal that requires their full attention.

Fortunately, there are a lot of software applications that can remind you that it’s time to stand up from your desk for a short while. This will be much easier if you have certain types of reminders and tickers to help you cope with your daily duties and determine the best moments to relax and get some rest.  For example, you can find out here what kinds of tickers and widgets may help you with this matter. Employees who see their boss cares for them like this and tries to manage the time wisely will tend to work harder and they’ll certainly be more devoted to the company.

Recognize contributions

If there’s one thing that differs companies with better commitment from the other ones, it’s a culture of recognition of employees’ contribution. Actually, recognition is the most powerful factor that predicts levels of staff engagement.

When giving an appraisal, you need to have in mind that a receiver of the appraisal feels recognized.

Instead of just saying ‘Good job’, make sure you describe what exactly the person did well and explain how your coworker’s actions made a positive impact. It wouldn’t hurt to let all team members know when their colleague does something admirable and give them a chance to appreciate it.

In addition to this, organizations with a high company culture have developed financial reward programs that further encourage good acts and huge efforts. You only need to determine the amount of money you are willing to put aside for such bonuses and set the necessary criteria the employees need to align with to receive them.

Encourage professional development

Another useful tip if you’d like to boost the commitment of your coworkers is to insist and to invest in their professional improvement. It’s more than significant to equip them with the skills that will help them reach their professional goals but also achieve the company’s goals as well.

Encouraging your coworkers to attend webinars, conferences, and workshops will evoke a sense of satisfaction and recognition. If your staff is allowed to work in an organization that cares for their personal and professional goals, they’ll be more likely to get inspired by all that and hence become more productive.

Clarify goals

It’s not a rare scenario that employees get confused with their roles within an organization or with goals and responsibilities that someone expects from them. This usually means a lack of good leadership, support, and good management from the employer’s side. So, clarifying goals and responsibilities is crucial for further enhancement of your staff’s engagement.

Good leaders and managers need to support their coworkers in clarifying their goals or setting new ones. You need to demonstrate to your people that you’re there to help anytime they need, and if you do, they’ll be more willing to contribute, which will only benefit your company.

Promote honesty

Honesty is probably the best policy in building a successful business. The cornerstone in securing employee engagement is having open and honest communication within your community. Small problems occur everywhere from time to time, and it is perfectly normal. But if workers know that they can express their opinions without later consequences, then the problems could be identified and solved at an early stage.

On the other hand, the companies which don’t nurture the culture of honesty are facing communication issues among the staff and thus experience poor levels of commitment. To conclude, the best thing management can do is promote a working environment where open communication is highly valued.

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